High Card is a well-known Japanese multimedia franchise comprising a novel series, drama CDs, and an anime television series. It is directed by Junichi Wada and scripted by Naoki Kuroyanagi, Kenichi Yamashita, Kazuhiko Inukai, and Shingo Nagai. The anime television series is scheduled to be released on January 9, 2023.
The series revolves around Finn Oldman, a seventeen years old, Mischievous, reckless, and spirited boy who goes on a journey to set to a casino to win money after finding out that his orphanage is on the brink of closing due to financial stress.
Reaching the casino, he witnesses a car chase and bloody shootout and learns that The world order could be controlled by a set of 52 X-Playing cards. These cards can give people unusual powers, and a secret group of players is called High Card. The king of Fourland has ordered this group to collect the cards scattered throughout the kingdom.
The show’s first season will stream on Tokyo MX, AT-X, SUN, TVA, KBS Kyoto, and BS11. It has been licensed by Crunchyroll and plus Media Networks Asia (Southeast Asia). The show will star the voices of multiple artists, including;
Finn Oldman by Gen Satō
Chris Redgrave by ToshikPlusa
Leo Constantine Pinochle by Shun Horie
Wendy Sato by Haruka Shiraishi
Vijay Kumar Singh by Yūichirō Umehara
Bernard Symons by Kazuhiro Yamaji
Theodore Constantine Pinochle by Daisuke Ono.
Owen Alldays by Nobunaga Shimazaki
The first episode will be released at 8:00 pm in Tokyo and in the different time zone in multiple regions.