Fire Country is CBS’s drama television series that revolves around Bode Donovan, a young convict with a troubled history. The show premiered on October 7, 2022, and starred Max Thieriot, Kevin Alejandro, Jordan Calloway, Stephanie Arcila, Jules Latimer, Diane Farr, and Billy Burke. Max Thieriot, Tony Phelan, and Joan Rater create it.
The show was announced In November 2021 and received the go for an entire season On October 19, 2022. It is filmed in Vancouver, Canada. Initially, it was expected to be called Cal Fire but later changed to Fire Country.
The show’s protagonist hopes to redeem himself and lessen his prison sentence. To achieve this, he volunteers to be part of the California Conservation Camp Program, where prisoners help the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, known as Cal Fire. The plot moves as he gets assigned to his hometown in Northern California, where he works with his former friends, inmates, and professional firefighters.
The upcoming episode of the show will be it’s eighth. It is titled “Bad Guy” and is written by Tia Napolitano. It is scheduled to be released on the CBS Television Network on December 9, 2022, and is available to stream live and on-demand on Paramount+.
This episode will feature some flashback episodes centering on the death of Vince’s daughter. This case will be more challenging for him as he has to deal with his emotional baggage when the latest issue takes him down memory lane. The show’s plot is one of the reasons behind the show’s growing popularity, and fans eagerly wait for the upcoming episodes.