The popular BioWare video game franchise has a new animated series called Dragon Age: Absolution. Set in Tevinter, Dragon Age: Absolution follows an elf rogue named Miriam and a group of mercenaries tasked with retrieving a dangerous mystical artifact.
Dragon Age: Absolution consists of only six episodes, and each of them is 25 minutes long. So the cast is also tiny, with just eight main characters. But several of the actors tapped to star in this series have also participated in some of the Dragon Age games, so you might even recognize their voices!
The Cast of Dragon Age: Absolution
Fans of the franchise will likely recognize several voice actors participating in the series. Kimberly Brooks voices the lead character, the elf Miriam. She also voiced Lanaya in Dragon Age: Origins before.
Ashly Burch is another notable voice actress who brings Aloy to life in the Horizon Zero Dawn games, along with voicing Mel in Tiny Tina in Borderlands and The Last of Us Part II.
Here’s the complete cast list:
Kimberly Brooks as Miriam
Ashly Burch as Gwydion
Josh Keaton as Rezaren Ammosine
Zehra Fazal as Tassia
Keston John as Jackson
Sumalee Montano as Sapphira
Matthew Mercer as Fairbanks
Phil Lamarr as Roland
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