Bob’s Burgers somehow successfully outdoes itself every year.
Thanksgiving is Bob’s favorite holiday, so it’s understandable why is such a big deal is made of it on the show.
“Putts-giving” is an extraordinary Bob’s Burgers Thanksgiving episode.
With a title like “Putts-giving,” it’s obvious this wasn’t going to be the usual Thanksgiving offering. However, this episode felt like it had been dragged a bit too far from what we’ve come to know and love. Although, despite this, there were also a few great family moments. Bob’s Burgers didn’t indulge entirely in the Thanksgiving theme, which is sad.
The Thanksgiving episode felt more like an afterthought, and the story felt more like a regular episode than a holiday special. Holiday episodes are the show’s main attraction, so naturally, the expectations were too high. Plus, it doesn’t help that there’s been a new Thanksgiving episode since Season 3.
It felt like Thanksgiving was the side dish in this episode and not the main course. The moment where Bob and Linda came together at the end was lovely, but the episode was satisfactory at best.
Fortunately, there are a lot of other Thanksgiving episodes of Bob’s Burgers for us to enjoy, so you can choose to rewatch some of these if you didn’t quite get your fix with this latest holiday special.
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