The show was created by Justin Spitzer, best known for creating another NBC workplace comedy, Superstore—the first season premiered on December 13th, 2021. Viewers are probably waiting to find out about the premiere of season 2 of the series.
The cast involves:-
Ana Gasteyer as Katherine Hastings, Payne Motors’ new CEO,
Harriet Dyer as Sadie Ryan, Payne Motors’ CCO,
Jon Barinholtz as Wesley Payne, the grandson of Payne Motors’ former CEO,
Tye White (Greenleaf) as Jack Fortin,
Michael Benjamin Washington as Cyrus Knight, Payne’s Chief Product Designer,
Humphrey Ker as Elliot, Payne’s Chief Counselor, and
X Mayo (The Daily Show) as Dori, Hastings’ assistant
When will American Auto season 2 premiere on NBC?
According to NBC Insider, the second season premiere will air on January 24th, 2023, and the last episode aired on March 8th, 2021. This means that we might be in for a season that ends closer to April.
An official promo hasn’t been released for the upcoming season. But that just means that you have to wait for it. The show holds a regular time slot of 8 pm EST on NBC. So viewers can expect the show to continue airing during that time. While waiting for it, viewers can catch up on the past season’s episodes. American Auto is currently available to stream on Peacock with a subscription.
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