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Putin A Steak On The Barbie!

This Aldi steak looks just like someone we know!


It’s not every day you find a world leader’s face on the meat rack at your local Aldi’s. But, for 39 year old musician, Matt Gordon from Croydon, that is exactly what happened.

(Disclaimer, in the attempts to get a pun that wasn’t already taken I had to stretch myself a bit – but turns out you can BBQ steaks. I didn’t know that!)

But anyway, he took a photo of it as anyone would, and eventually the story ended up in the Sun, because it decided it needed a change from reporting on Meghan Markle and Love Island.

Sadly, the story has a bit of a let down ending, because he didn’t buy the steak.

He told reporters: “I didn’t want to be responsible for sizzling Vladimir Putin who knows what might have happened to me. I might have ended up being well done myself.”

Gonna be honest mate, I think he’s probably too busy bumping off ex-secret service men to worry about a dude in Croydon eating a steak that looks like him. But kudos for the pun!

Next time, if you see a peice of food that looks like a famous person – buy it! It makes for a more satisfactory ending to your story.

For more on our favourite Russian President, check out “The Sopranoes” Intro That Got Turned Into A Russian Version With Putin In It.

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